Blogger ♥

Siti Nur'Aisyah Binte (Herfather)
19 years old rocking it
single duh?
frozen yoghurt please.
frutiy pebbles. yummy


● some people say new year resolutions are whatever? so im scratching my list of new year's resolution off
● new clothes, duh
● room makeover

say it (:



PastMonths ♥

By month:
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010

wah seh . serious peh?

today was nailul's last day ):
he told me its his last day bile nak closing .
siang siang tanak tell me .
or else da beli farewell gift .
fake -_-
but anyway ,
who's going to laugh like a bloody asshole with me bile ade customer muke semot ?
or who's going to laugh like a retarded bi-atch when u told me you have a moustache .
and showing me the picture summore ?
nailul (:
da enter ns ,
conferm build badan ehh nailul .
cheh cheh !
do drop by sr vivo yea .
that is ,
if im still working there (:


im an superbly angry pasal ini blogger mintak kene flush kat spore nye jamban !
cannot upload pictures !
upload laaaaa !
please ):

tkpe (:

a LOT of things have been happening .
seriously .
my head is going to explode and klua jus jus brain ngan veins sumer
Ya Allah ,
please give me the strength .
cause i know im weak ):

my heart cant take it anymore
lepas satu problem ,
another one arise -_-
manyak susah woo
i try to keep a happy attitude towards everybody
but it seems ,
im just kidding myself .
haiz -_-

anyway ,
i LOVE to spam ppl's blog (:
like faiz punya correct ?

today kerja .
kaki cabot lagi boleh ?

i guess tts all ?
assalamualaikum (:


will be not active for a while .
parents suspended me from using the internet .
cause apparently they think im gg to learn and chat with a stranger
so yahh
i guess youll be missing my awesome stories (:

ok bye !
assalamualaikum .

its get harder everyday

i came to work a whole 5 mins late .
step ber jam jam lanbaaat (:
binget eh binget
i forgot the combination lock to the main entrance of my workplace .

call abg lan ,
abg suaimi ,
aida .
all never pick up
geram eh
i called khai .
he also forgot .
3rd attempt baru correct .

i was feeling really really cold .
like suddenly .
anyway ,
i followed acap's spa .
open the coffee machine steamer sampai full blast .
then jemor badan kat depan the machine ,

sedot vicks all the way
but some of my friends say cannot ?
nnti batal puase ?
ehh ?
okayy (:
i wont do it again .

abg lan released me early .
cause no customer -__-

ohh yahh ,
my bro went for interview at sr vivo
my workplace
he was initially from ps .
jgn ps staff tarik die suaaaa
he's VIVO now (:

i'll end my work on monday
and he'll start on tuesday
brother take over sistaaa kapa ?
tt is so mat/minahrep talk

i'll be heading to Masjid Ahmad Ibrahim in a while .
buka di sana lagik yaa (:
insyaAllah solat terawih juga

im going down with fever .
get well soon to me

assalamualaikum !

ehh puase oi !

i came to work late -_-
tido da tak sedar

after work ,
proceeded to Masjid Ahmad Ibrahim .
buka there (:

family was there too .

managed to solat terawih ,
though i had half the mind to sleep behind .

ntg to update muchh .


to kherya ; semangat kaaaann ! (: hahaha
to KK ; hahaha . tkpe ahh . ayah jelous ke org da bukak lagu raye ? HAHAHA
to adieq ; asek tuka je kauu . geram aku -__- niwaes , thanks offer aku keje best denki (: sayaaanggg u !


alrighty then ,
gdnight !

bor-ing oi !

went to work by bus .
and shaleena was in the same bus as me .

i asked if she wanted a job at my workplace
she got the job (:

bla bla
can say ahh ,
not a lot of customers sehhhh .

so yahh ,
kinda lepak-ed .

skali gus buke 4 orang seh
nailul ,
acap ,
zanna and me .
then ina join .
mentang mentang no customers ehh (:
goyang kaki makan ayam goreng lucy cooked for us .
nyum nyum !

closimg keco ehh .
zanna wanted to prepare the air for mop .
then she accidently dropped her hp inside the tub filled with soap .

and tak ku sangka zanna dengar hindustan
terperanjat berok aku dibuatnye .
i bukak lagu hindustan ,
die boleh join nanyi ngan joget ni .
kelaka takley tasyaaaan u
seriously ,
nak terkeluar balek tom yum chicken lantak time buke tadi .

zanna ,
hope your handphone gets well soon .

and i asek remember what khai said ,
igt sya , Rasullah berhenti makan sebelom die kenyang .
kau tgk ape die buke , susu kurma , kurma susu (:

i'll keep that in mind ehh khai
nnti aku order chicken cordon bleu ,
kau lantak kurma je ahh ehh sampai kau jadik boncet

gtg already
tomorrow opening shift ehh
mintak ampun daulat tuanku ,
aku da penat to the berger ramly special with extra cheese (:
gdnight semua
assalamualaikum (:

selamat pagi semua (:

a very happy cheerful morning to all of youu (:
though its mendong outside ,
its very nice and cozy to get that cold shrilling wind wrap around you .
just to be thankful that we live to see the day ahead (:

can i ask ya'll something ?
if you dont like oreo mcflurry mint ,
would you eat it ?
or ,
if you dont like wearing shorts ,
instead you prefer skirts ?
or how about you like digimon ,
and not pokemon ?
and what about ,
u like bayblade and not tamiya ?
u prefer hot tea rather than ice cream ?

do you get what i mean ?
i hope you get what i mean ehh (:

daddy apologized AGAIN .
this morning ,
he kissed my forhead when he wanted to go to work .
im sad .
really .
somehow ,
im angry at you ,
but ,
youre still my daddy .
i have mix feelings for him .
should i pity him ?
or hate him ?
hari raya lagi sebulan ):
saya tak mahu daddy and mummy gado time raya boleh ?
as a 'happy' family can ?
even if we have to potray an act in front of everybody .
just this once ,
make peace ,
not war .

may Allah strengthen my iman .
so as to build up my weak emotions .

have to go now (:
tc readers !

saya belia (:

okay ,
my post for now ,
will be entirely in BAHASA MELAYU BAKU oryyte ?

here it goes ..

assalamualaikum semua !
saya baru sahaja pulang dari Masjid Ahmad Ibrahim (:
dari kecil saya di-didik di madrasah di situ .
confirm cute dulu dulu .
asyik kena marah dengan cikgu kerana sembunyi bawah meja .
dan selalu lari-lari dalam musollah .

saya tiba di Masjid pada pukul 5.30petang .
khalif tegur saya .
tapi saya tk dengar .
main angguk sahaja .
dengar lagu laa kat telefon bimbit (-_-)

sempat saya berborak dengan pakcik pakcik di situ .
mereka cute (:
beberapa minit kemudian ,
zahidah pun tiba .
saya menolongnya melipat surat unuk kasik kepada jemaah (:

selepas itu ,
bersiap sedia untuk berbuka (:

bla bla bla .

tak solat terawih pula saya .
kerana menjaga budak budak kecil (:
ayah dan ibu mereka hantar dorang ke child-minding services kami .

selepas itu ,
khairi *sedara saya* ,
dan saya menunggu pakcik saya untuk menghantar kami pulang .

dan here i am now (:

k best
now back to english ..

im working from 12-8 tomorrow (:
puase lagiikk okay !
May Allah give strength to us , umat Islam .
amiin (:

okay .
gnight readers
assalamualaikum !

vondutch pe kejadahh ?

hello singaporeans ! *maybe foreigners?*

so yahh ,
i didnt went to madrasah .
dnt blame me though .

it started off well .
daddy was sleeping .
so mummy talked to me about their relationship .
is he really sincere ?
does he really love us ?
or did he took us back , just to save his face and dignity ?

i think daddy overheard us .
and he kinda went ting tong .
cause he kept slapping his forhead for no apparent reason .
kire nak step tunjok binget pah ?

i cant accept the fact ,
that he did something mighty wrong ,
and that he kinda puts the blame on us .

and using the 'bulan ramadhan itu bulan untuk bermafaan' shit .
and how he's trying his upmost best to earn back or trusts .
but i dont see it .
dont talk about morals if ure not gonna be nice to us .

some day back ,
i reached home late .
and mummy ,
of course melenting .
but i dont care .
its diff when she scolds me .
and when daddy just tegor me .

for now ,
i know he's still my father ,
but i dnt think he has the authority to scold me .
cause whatever i did wrong ,
cant compare even close to what he fcuking did .

you dnt even care about mama's feelings .
and its the SECOND time you did it .

you said you'll double your effort to earn back our trust .
where did that promise go ?

what ?
u expect us to be happy and forget about what u did ,
just by being nice to us 2-3days only ?

and you said you'll go for councelling .
mana kata kata mu pergi ?

please ,
i beg you ,
dont burden us .
is this what you really want ?
our family being together ,
but with you and mummy quarreling always ?
honestly ,
i cant bear to hear nor see you guys fighting .
its best that you leave .

i still LOVE you daddy
but cant you see ?
its not working out .

selamat first day of puasa (:

omg !
first day of puase laaaa (:

and i puase full day !
not like some people eh
puase setengah hari -_-


work was kinda hectic
cause all staff sume islam (:
except richard X)

turn bt turn buke puase
kesian eh kite kite orang
time nak buke ,
ade customer wants to order food -_-
tk sempat hirop ice lemon tea acap buatkan .

shifah , saliha and sharifah ader (:
my favourite girrrrls .
like seriously dorg gerek to the apple core !

its raining now
and i feel like sleeping .
but i havent finished my madrasah hw .
i was suppose to hand it in ,
like ,
last week ?
but i didnt attend .
cause saket perot *wink!*

im off now (:

gdnight !
selamat bersahur besok morning yer !
assalamualaikum !
at secret recipe VIVO ,
we'll guarantee ,
we'll serve you with a smile (:
cewaahhh !

me and ayu (:
my bestfriend .
so what if i hang out with her everytime ?
she IS my bestfriend u know -_-

aisyah , kak sheila , and kak mily .
spelling gitu eh ?

step kusyuk -_-

spore flyer (:

i started work at 12 pm
and ended my shift at 6pm .

work was erm ?
and yea ,
ina came 2 hours late
kanasai ahh tt girl !

after work ,
promised to meet adieq and her sibs at city hall .
adieq's ayah got 4 tickets to the spore flyer (:
met adieq ,
ayu ,
and alynn ,
at city hall .

bla bla bla
ate at kfc (:

and proceeded to spore flyer
i swear ,
we were like ,
kalah tourist tourist sumer

took pictures and more pictures (:

after jakon-ing ,
went to esplanade to catch a gig .
typecast (:

adieq and her sibs were not into it .
so yea ,
i wanted to watch until finish ,
but dorg da nak berger .
so i follow them .

and get this ,
i approached this total stranger .
a caucasian .
and u know what .
she is damn TALL .
when i stand next to her ,
im like ,
only at her boobs .
seriously .
i took a picture with her ,
but its at adieq's camera .
ohh well .

anyway ,
i felt guilty .
although i cant solat ,
i missed the first solat terawih with my family .
but who can resist free tickets to spore flyer and catch an awesome shit ass gig ?
im sorry mummy and daddy .

ok bye
selamat ber-fasting tomorrow okay kawan kawan ?
dnt puase yok yok ,
zaman bile nak puase yok yok kan ?
haha !
tc !

new handphone . but nt iPhone ):

i bought my new hp already liouu (:
tapi bukan iPhone ):
takpe takpe

anyway ,
i love my bestfriend (:
random or what .


first of all ,
i would like to thank adieq ,
cause this time ,
she's not late .
as in ,
yesterday ,
she was the one waiting for me (:

finished work at 6pm .
and invited adieq masok my workplace ,
dapat free air kan ? (:
sedap ?

and anyway ,
i had a reason to shop for clothes adieq ~
da limited sehh baju baju i -_-

so yahh
walk here walk there
tkd pulak yg lawa lawa .
cis beger


we played water water kat vivo punye atas
a lot of things happened .
so lazy to elaborate .

and adieq ,
i kasik u permission upload gmbr
cause u nye blog private pehh (:

and i dont care law ppl want to talk about me

anyway ,
late for work already (:

last but nt least ,
happy birthday mama (:
i LOVE you !!


today was sucha hectic day
i arrived work at 12.01 (:

richard and aida tgh layan customer .
so i punched in and bla bla bla .
asyraf came A FREAKING ONE HOUR LATE -_-

bla bla
not muchhh customer
so asyraf and me decided to start a war .
maen lestik
i lost

asyraf said ,
the getah must be bla bla bla
macam da lamer gitu maen lestik orang
and he whipped me with wet kain .
cb sakit seh

but im gonna miss u .
he's gg to his kampong or smtg
punye semangat
belom rayer da balek kampong

asyraf and aida went home cause they finished their shifts .
kudos to danial , zanna and zul .
paitaw .

i was like ,
superhuman powderful nek jahh !
abg suaimi calls me nek jah .
cause i wear mask like ninja
so ,
back to the story ,
i had to do inventory for both cake and bar .
superr kan aku ?
pdahal padahal
so yea
was tired ,
asked my pakcik to fetch me from work .
my pakcik umo 20 three ?
eh ?

so yahh ,
in return ,
i bought him cake , a
and chicken cordon blurrrr -_-

went to meet his friend a while
and reached home arnd 12.20 ..
im so frigging tired
and i have to do opening tmrw
kanasai -_-

ohh well


OK Simple !

go hear their beats .

spread the love !


my hands smell like oranges .
cause i freaking peeled 20 oranges time opening shift .
aunty siew noi came back (:

aunty gave me this red telor ,
for i dnt know what -__-
i drew a face on it ,
and gave asraf .

finished work at 3 .
decided to go geylang with adieq *as promised*
but adieq was still sleeping -_-

so i went home straight .
slept inside mrt
igt nak alight at serangoon ,
so i can take the circle line back home .
skali da shiok tido ,
terbabas pulakk .
skidded sampai punggol .

arrived home safely (:

i still havent bought my hp .

and OMG
i cant believe i just ironed my sister's uniform .
i dont do things for her .
let alone pass the remote tv for her .
but because im sucha good heavenly sister (:
i decided to
cause she's having her exams tmrw .
good luck pendek .

oh well ,
im off (:
gnight duckksss

bowling was fun (:

feat zan (:

feat syuk (:

feat them (:
im the shortest .
duh -_-

bowling is fun .
especially if i win .

two guys and a girl

i went out with syuk and zan today .
wasnt planning to meet tho .

but a bit calling here and there ,
at last ,
met at bukit batok (:

ate burger king with them .
chit chat chit chat .
cakap sini habes sini ehh korg (:

then lepak-ed at 'pondok gurame' .
zan punye ahh tu .

then headed to play bowling at home team Ns

had a great time with them !

tmrw working from 9am-3pm .
and meeting adieq afterwards (:

and to ; - i ade reasons laa nak quit sr sayaaaannggg (: meet up soon soon yea !

tata !
enjoy !

i dont know whayyyy

stuff to update (:

- listening to 'the show' by lenka . & fyqa -_-

- chatting with aisyah . saiful punya gf (:

- buying iPhone tmrw . insyaAllah .

- was super duper bingit . cause i had to bar ALONE , from 3-6 . it was busy macam kat pasar tekka time deepavali . and order print out berderet-deret cam maknyerr oi . plus i had to wash the glasses . macam keje cleaner part-time ajo -_- . luckily acap came to the rescue . WOO !

- had menstrual cramps all the way . saket gilerr . mintak lucy minyak . then she offered minyak masak -_- KANASAI . haha

- tick ming and yadi likes to renjis air at my face . ingat my face ape ? toilet floor ehh nak renjis renjis ? chiiiiiikaaaaan !

- customer ckp i do cake writing lawa (: ohh . terkoyak boxers sekejap .

- abg lan kept saying , 'good job everybody' (:

- fyqa just applied darlie total whitening at her humongous jerawat .

- abg lan pening . so i offered him panadol menstrual . HAHA

- im gonna miss shifah pupu (:

- tadi ade customer carrying a baby . and apparently the baby's name is aisyah . so he kept saying , 'sayaaaang aisyah' . feeling feeling kejap . HAHA

- tired . my body is feeling fatigue .

- im appearing offline at msn .

i think tts all .
and to fir - chey . i need u tawww (: hoho . sape entah nak belikan die iPhone . its for me okayy !

gnight all (:

only MY thoughts counts

fact number one ;
- i am short-sighted . therefor i need glasses . which i have . but i look absolutely fugly in it .

fact number two ;
- i am a bit pekak . but not to the extend sampai kene belikan hearing-aid .

fact number three ;
- i NEED firdaus . my personal councellor . and danial , takyah nak jealous jealous kat sini . HAHA .

fact number four ;
- i MISS my bestfriend , ADIEQ (: . and a whole lot of friends .

fact number five ;
- i am having mestrual cramps . but i dunnoe i wanna shit or not . when i sit at the damn toilet bowl . ntg came out .

fact number six ;
- i want iPHONE .

fact number seven ;
- i want to continue to sleep after this .

fact number eight ;
- its raining now . well , at yishun though .

fact numer nine ;
- my sister just said , fyqa nak photo session kejap sya . -_-

fact number ten ;
- am i making the right decision ? (:


todays is 15th ou august .
lets just hope my pay is in .
but who am i kidding eh ?

i WANT iPhone dammit .

and thanks adieq (:
i cant wait for monday !
due due lantak makanan kat bazaar .
u da on lampu bazaar kan ?

its personal

yes (:
i'll remember this day .
14th august .

im so very happy .
yes yes

tmrw im working ):
i cannot join the 4pm ppl nak hangout tgk fireworks .
alaaaahhh -_-
tkpe .
just wanna wish husna ,
May Allah brighten up your day .
and have a blessful bday alright (:

i'll end it here (:
gdnight robots

*insert name* bte ramly (:

dammit adieq .
i was so touched u made a survey about me .
i just had to made it too .
but your blog cannot copy and paste .
so yaaahhh .
demi you adieq ,
i type SEMUA balek ehh (:
this is for you M.R <3

1) what's his/her full name ?
- ohhh . i cannot tell that kan ? (:

2) does he/she have a boyfriend/girlfriend ?
- HAHAHA . if that EVER happens , im SO happy for her (:

3) do you know a secret about him/her ?
- ohh my goshh . banyak ehh ? kalau i type , smpai taon dpn tak abes abes . HAHA

4) is this person older than you ?
- naaahhh . she's younger . but looks older than me . but not matured -_- HAHA

5) has he/she ever cooked for you ?
- hmm . havent yet . but im willing to try if you cook adieq (: LOL

6) when was the last time you thought of him/her ?
- now ? last 5 mins ago ? like everytime ? cause my wallpaper is our picture together (:

7) do you have a nickname for each other ?
- HAHA . duhh ~ im M.T , and she's M.R (:

8) how many times do you talk to this person in a week ?
- important stuff onlyyy kan M.R ? LOL . like updating each other . HAHA

9) why is this person is your 1st top list ?
- cause she's my bestfriend (:

10) how long have you known this person ?
- i cant remember . but adieq knows . she said , from 18 february 2008 . HAHA

11) have you seen this person cried ?
- she's a strong girl (: but she cried once . when she's really sick .

12) have you ever been to the mall with this person ?
- more than the mall ehh adieq . HAHA

13) have you ever watched movies at his/her place ?
- not yet ? but we should try it soon ? (:

14) if you ever moved away would you leave her/him ?
- if i REALLY have to move , id cried cause i have to leave my bitchy bestfriend , but she'll always remain in my heart (:

15) have you ever gave this person something ?
- ALOT , my care , concern , love , HAHA . but i gave her a plush toy for her birthday .

16) have you ever done something really stupid with this person ?
- mampos . SELALU kan adieq ? haha .

17) what is it that you love to do with this person ?
- take pictures (: haha . and bitching .

18) do you hate anything about him/her ?
- not really . why would i hate anything about my M.R ? LOL

19) do you know everything about this person ?
- emm , maybe ? haha .

20) do you know this person's shoe size ?
- waaah . soalan cepumas . i forgot -_-

21) have you ever wore this person's clothes ?
- tak muat ehh . confirm aku pkai ketat .

22) have you ever heard this person sing ?
- haha . yupp .

23) have you and this person ever fight ?
- haha . over small stuff ? tapi tak pena major sgt liou .

24) have you and this person ever went dating ?
- isshh . SELALU ehh (:

25) do you know how to make this person happy ?
- i dnt have to make her happy . cause she's ALWAYS happy (:

26) do you and this person talk alot ?
- sampai kering air liur kite bobal (:

27) have you kicked this person ?
- oi . no laaaaa (: tapi cubit pena . si M.R likes to slap me -_-

28) do you love this person ?
- DUHHHHH ~ i love her more than i love my dora collection .

29) do you want to be with him/her forever ?

30) why ?
- cause i wouldnt be where i am right now without her . she's the one who gives me advises and she's always there for me (:

31) list down the names you want ppl to do this survey ?
- anybody ? but tag me if u wanna do this survey . cause i wanna see korg nye answer (:

really shagged

im working 12-4 ONLY (:

kat background (:
gd morning readers (:
im working todaaayy -_-
still sleepy
but i cant seem to sleep .
just a quick update .
maybe im gg out this friday ?
you know i know ehh (:

could it really positively honestly truthfully posssibly be true ?
that maybe perhaps ..
im in love ?
went to clubilya at 3pm .
fafa and the gurlz *step spelling KEWLZZ aje-_-* were there already .
waited for the guys .
but all kena detention at sch -_-
ok .
so yah .
after a few minutes ,
my twin arrived (:
ade bubu eh ?
get well soon tak cukop bulan .
syuk , zan and ila came to clubilya .
see see see ?
clubilya better than 4pm kan ?
ade AIR-CON .
promote nampak (:
anyway ,
proceeded to the taman near rumahku syurgaku .
wan was there too .
play play
and nampak this two kids ,
i said , ' ehh helo! ' *step da lamer kenal*
the boys , ' hello hello ' *smiling* waaahhh (:
made a small conversation with them .
then i said , ' kem salam mak ehh '
the boys , ' we not malay horrr '
cis berger ramly special with telor .
paisey or whaaaat -_-
but that part was kekek mcdonalds ehh .
danial and husna arrived later .
and ihsan arrived much later .
ajak them go my house (:
solat maghrib and watched singapore idol .
i think tts about it (:
btw ,
yes .
its positively honestly truthfully possibly true ,
saya cinta pada kamuuu
cheeewaaaa !
da pandai anak mak .
da boleh kawen ni .
cuci pinggan da pass ,
kemas rumah pon pass .
ok stop ehh minah tempayan .
gtg yea
tmrw working
wahh piaannngggg !
alrighty then ,
assalamualaikum readers !

i want

i want to eat ice cream , 'ben and jerry's'
at the airport .

i want to get sun-burnt by the beach .

i want to get lost at singapore's JUNGLE and scdf come rescue me -_-

i want iPhone .

i want camera .

i want to lose weight *real bad*

i want to eat *daddy forget to buy breakfast for me*

i want room makeover .

i want wardrobe makeover .

well well well ,
i think all of 'i wants' ,
i can do .
but the part sesat pat jungle to ,
maha dreaming je .

ohh yaa ,
i want to buy hamster secretly ,
and sembunyikkan itu anak binatang kecil dalam beg dora saya .
and kalau fyqa blg mama ,
aku sepak kau one million times pakai kamos .
hamek kau .
no mercy ehh aku kasik warning .
sshh (:

i mearjok with 'daddy' .
cause he forgot AGAIN !
how can he freaking forget to buy his adorable daughter breakfast niek ?
geram .
da ahh
puase isnin sampai ahad ahh gini .
nak tunjok merajok aku niek taw .
nnti aku anorexic ehh .
*ok . tt was funny . HAHA*

its not you , its me

tag replies ,

azhar - will link you up soon (:
saiful - its better if u call me . then aku blg why im quitting (:


i was jolly well surprised aida wanted me to stay -_-"

as much as i wanted to stay at sr ,
im just not sure .
i just cant take it anymore .
i mean ,
whats the point of living together ,
but ure giving the cold shoulder ?

anyway ,
im more concerned about fir ):
seriously ,
things will definitely start looking up y'know .
c'mon fir ,
i know ure not at your best state ,
but im sure things will get better (:
i'll keep you close in my prayers .
amin (:

today ,

clubilya practice at 3 o'clock .
and YES
i bloody hell convinced syuk and the gang to come play badminton at yishun (:
hee !

alrighty ,
i want to make my special milo dinosaur and cicah with chips more biskot (:
tadaa !

bye !
assalamualaikum !

eh , busuk boy ahh

i cant freaking believe im quitting my job .
no more secret recipe .
no more gerek vivo mates -_-
im gonna miss u guys a whole lot .

sianzz ehh sianzz

today .
im working
see u guys at vivo ehh (:

i gt $10 !
but for ezlink -_-

im pennyless till 15th .
hopefully ahh
but obviously ,
this F^%V$^^&$ company ,
will bank in our pay on saturday .
which means ,
will be getting on monday .
or wednesday paleng lmbt .
cb swine ahh !
i NEED money !
i want to emphasize ont the word NEED .
cuase i seriously NEED it .
ohh yes ,
i'll but iPhone when i get my pay (:
korg tengok je arr !

alrighty then ,
will be off to work now (:
tc babboons !~

family event

am SERIOUSLY tired .
today was a family affair thing .
will not elaborate further .
if i did ,
i'll go on and on like a stupid maknyos -_-

fireworks .

glittering stars in th pitch black night sky

its earlyyy in the morning -_-* zzz
sis and me tgh ngadap comp .
nobody else at home .

after listening to instrumental jazz and what not ,
im reaching to my euphoric state of mind .
its so relaxing .
putting away the head-banging songs i USED to hear .
u should really try it .

i dnt think i need that special someone in my life now .
cause im happy and i love the ppl around me (:
my mummy , abg and fyqa (:
and my friends .
the best shit that has ever happen to me .
why need that one person whom you call your partner ,
when you have millions of fxctards gerek friends right ?

ate brownie ,
and washed it down with milk .
yummy breakfast .
and im completely money-less (:
horaaaaahh !

planning to go out with az .
we were suppose to meet yesterday .
he is the best i tell you .
a loyal friend (:
igt nak jln kat ION laaa -_-
but both of us tkd KA-CHING pulak .
nvrmind eh .
monyet promise to treat me wayang on his pay .
and i promise ,
when my pay comes ,
i'll treat you ben and jerry's (:
alamak .
i am so baek like what right .

and monyet ,
last long with phyna (:
you both look great together .

have i told you ?
i thought mustaqim was an indonesian .
and he influenced me to watch Nur Kasih .
a malay drama .
and its highly recommended (:
ive watched it .

and with that ,
i'll end my post .

poppin' it .

currently ,
sis and myself is sitting in front of the comp .
with a bowl of milk in one hand .
and a stack of choc chip cookies in the other .
tts what we've been eating these past few days .
and losing weight i might say .

i didnt went to work for two days alrdy .
and my sis skipped sch .
whats happening ?

thanks to everybody who gave me advises .
and being there for me .
countless of ppl .
khairul ,
danial ,
zuhayr ,
kak irja ,
and LOTS more .
especially adieq (:


ohh ohh waahh

both me and sis decided to skip our daily duties .

and surprisingly ,
mummy and 'daddy' allowed .

so we went to np to grab our lunch .
since its on 'daddy' ,
me and sis had no objections .
proceeded to clubilya .
and talked to kak irja (:

after that ,
went to ikea .
just to waste our time .
feeling feeling shopping .

later ,
had our early dinner at mcdees .

and i swear mat SCDF are wtvs -_-

went home (:

ok .
i think tts all (:

gdnight readers (:

without love

met my bestfriend just now .

i told her everything ,
and she understands me
i love you adieq (:
thanks for being there for me
and next time maen swing kat west coast park ehh
bende pusing2 tu gerek kan ?

last step ,
separation .


it felt like he teared our hearts open .
ripping it piece by piece .
stomping on it .
burning it to charcoal .
and asking us to forgive him .

daddy ,
why are you doing this to us ?
what have we done wrong ?
it wont be the same anymore .
it wont .
i cried .

i pondered about it .
maybe this is the for us .

i love mummy , abg and fyqa (:


im fasting again today (:

tadaaa ~

and and ,

happy birthday ZARINA (:

sorry i dont have your pic though .
but im sure there is ,
in my memory card or smtg .

there's a slight chance a war will begin .
im not mentally prepared .
though i can see my sis is trying her very best to stay strong .
i love mummy , abg , and fyqa (:
thanks eh ba .
thanks a lot ar .

saya nak charlie

saya mau charlie saya !

im fasting todayy
the attempt to lose weight .


im currently bored
i dnt know nak klua ke tanak

then id waste money in transport .

ddk rumah je la


just gambar , not kunyit ehh joy -_-

my sister (: eheehh
henderson waves (:

after 2 hours of hiking -_-

both s.s . mintak kene tempeleng eh !

rambot cm beros -_-

ohhh (:

seoul garden (:

three years warranty . LOL


aisyah oi ! (:

i dnt have to answer to you .

you lied to me . thanks . i'll keep that in mind .

things havent been going smoothly lately .

hope things chg for the better (:

down under

this blog will be under construction till further notice .
thank you (:

will be going to work .
and i feel lethargic as it is .

God ,
pls make me thin ,
so i can have the energy .
so i dnt have to drag my huge ass to work everyday -_-"

astounded .
tts th term u can label me .

and with tt ,
see u guys arnd .

ohh yes ,
i will link u guys back yea .


Using ipod touch or whaaaat

Now im at khairi's hse .going dinner laterrr . Btw i think i have a crush on somebody . and hell yea firdaus know who he is . Haha !

fresh crispy page

this time ,
its personal .

i hate my past .
so why should i share my past life stories with ya'll ?

cheers to a new beginning (: